Street Fighter live-action movie will be directed by the Philippou brothers

Street Fighter live-action

While a Street Fighter live-action movie is officially underway at Legendary, details remain scant. Now, the film reportedly has its director, or directors, line up.

A new report (thanks, THR) notes both Danny and Michael Philippou are in final negotiations to direct the tentatively named Street Fighter live-action film.

Details on the new live-action adaptation are slim though considering the directors’ previous film and its bloody horror themes, it could mean Street Fighter will be more visceral.

Legendary provided no comment on the deal, though talks are already underway with a short list of writers, and if true, the Philippou brothers secured a “low-to-mid-seven-figure deal” for Street Fighter.

The Philippou twins have been up-and-coming thanks to their new film Talk to Me, a horror film about a couple of kids that accidentally summon terrifying spirits. They got their start, however, running the popular YouTube channel RackaRacka, which also made horror content – with some comedy too.

Talk to Me is set to premiere on July 28th.

Editor’s Note: Featured image is from the 2014 web-series Street Fighter: Assassin’s Fist

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