DK Rap composer is uncredited in Super Mario Bros. Movie

Super Mario Bros. movie

Video game composer Grant Kirkhope found out the hard way that his DK Rap goes uncredited in the Super Mario Bros. movie.

While Kirkhope was originally very excited for the film when he learned a new rendition of his Donkey Kong-themed rap was being included, the final film credits simply list the DK Rap as “From Donkey Kong 64.”

“Well that’s fucking depressing,” the composer tweeted out soon after initial impressions of the film came online.

He later added, “I was really looking forward to see my name in the credits for the DK Rap, but alas as expected it’s not there …….. fuck my life.”

The Super Mario Bros. Movie just premeired this week in North America. The Japanese premiere is still set for April 28th.

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