Second Wave of 100% Orange Juice Character Plushies Now on Kickstarter

Fruitbat Factory and Orange Juice have returned to Kickstarter to fund a second wave of character plushies based on their popular game, 100% Orange Juice. The campaign hit its $13,000 funding goal in less than nine hours.

This second wave of six plushies includes Aru, Marc, Alte, Tomomo, Saki, and Ceoreparque. Each plushie was designed by Orange Juice’s lead artist, Hono, and will be produced by Symbiote Studios.

Pledges start at $36 a plushie plus shipping costs, and if you missed the first campaign, you can choose from the original six as well. Mega fans can get the entire set of 12 for $400. Pledges are expected to ship in February.

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Frank was a former Niche Gamer contributor.

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