Microsoft reports “second best Q3” earnings thanks to Game Pass

Microsoft Q3 FY23 Earnings Game Pass Thumbnail

Microsoft have revealed their latest quarter was one of their best Q3’s ever – news revealed in their earnings report for Q3 of FY23, which ended back on March 31st.

In regards to Xbox, they revealed that they managed a record number of monthly active users and devices during this time.

All this mostly done in part by Microsoft’s Xbox Game Pass service, which nearly reached $1 billion in revenue during this quarter alone. According to analyst @DomsPlaying, their numbers this quarter would be their “second best” Q3 to date.

For reference, the last year was their best record, so they are seeing a decline year-over-year, though overall numbers are still strong in this case.

Unfortunately for them, not everything was a win. Xbox also reported seeing hardware sales decline by 30% year-over-year. From a console sales standpoint this would suggest that Sony is greatly in the lead when it comes to current gen sales.

As for their Game Pass numbers, it seems to be trending in a positive direction for Microsoft. Previously it was reported that for 2021, the service “only” generated between $1.4 to $2.4 billion in revenue. At this rate, they are on pace to nearly doubling the higher estimated figure.

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